The theme of the Reading Week was “Reading and Travelling – A Journey of Discovery”.
On Day 1, during lunchtime, S2 students arranged a Chinese book review sharing session. Students not only listened to the good book reviews but also enjoyed songs related to travel topics.
Day 2 saw an English sharing session on In-flight meal design by S1 students in the library during lunchtime. It appears that food is a popular subject among our students, as the library was crowded during the sharing session.
On Day 3, a VR world tour was set up in room 513, where students enjoyed a VR show and got to know more about famous tourist attractions.
On Day 4, the YouTuber, 西DorSi, was invited to give a sharing session on how to become a travel KOL.
There was a book fair held on the first three days of the reading week, and all classes visited the book fair during their Chinese lessons.
Lastly, a reading corner was set up in the library, complete with cushions for quiet reading. We hope that this reading corner will help create a better atmosphere for reading.

In conclusion, the Reading Week was a successful event that encouraged students to explore the world of literature and travel. The various activities, such as book reviews, VR tours, and sharing sessions, provided a unique opportunity for students to expand their knowledge and interests. The book fair and reading corner were also great additions that helped to create a more conducive reading environment. We hope that this event has sparked a lifelong love of reading and travel in our students and that they continue to learn and explore beyond the classroom.