General Information

The school is located on 50 Tai Hang Road, Hong Kong. Together with the private primary school and kindergarten sections, the entire campus occupies an area of 10,000 square metres. It is well-endowed with many above-standard facilities conducive to whole person development. Facilities in the Secondary School include the followings:

  • an all-weather sports ground, a 25-metre heated indoor swimming pool, an indoor gymnasium, a dancing room;

  • a school hall with 1000 seats, a True Light Chapel, a school history room, a conference room, 3 counseling rooms, a career master’s Room, 2 student activity rooms, a religious activity room, a staff resources centre;

  • True Light Oasis – a library cum e-Learning Zone, Tesseract – a black box theatre, a STEAM Room, True Vision – a campus TV room, a student self-study room

  • 36 classrooms, 4 laboratories, 7 special-purpose rooms (including cooking room, sewing room, art room, music room etc.)

All the rooms are installed with air-conditioning and ventilation systems, computers, LCD projectors, WiFi system and Apple TV to cater for the different teaching and learning needs and to facilitate students’ anytime-anywhere and self-directed learning.